Rule number one of home invasion in 2014: Don't check your Facebook while you're on a job. Rule number two: If the urge to look becomes insatiable, allow yourself a peek at your iPhone, but do not attempt to use the target's computer. Number three: if all else fails, just make sure you log out before you leave.

Nicholas Wig, a 26-year-old Minnesota man, was arrested recently for breaking into the St. Paul home of James Wood — stealing cash, credit cards, a watch, and a cell phone — and failing to follow any of the guidelines set out above.

Upon arriving home after the burglary, Wood noticed a few articles of clothing that weren't his, then checked his computer and found it was logged into Wig's Facebook account. That's when he set his trap.

CBS News reports:

Wood posted to Facebook using Wig's profile, saying Wig had burglarized his home. He even shared his phone number to see if someone would call with information. Wig texted him later that day.

"I replied you left a few things at my house last night, how can I get them back to you," Wood said.

Wig agreed to meet with Wood later that night. Wood believes Wig was under the impression he would give him back some of his clothes he had left at his home in exchange for a recycled cell phone Wig had stolen.

Traveling home from a friend's house, Wood saw Wig walking down the street and called the police. The burglar was wearing Woods's watch when cops arrested him. He faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in jail.

"World's dumbest criminal," Wood told CBS of the events. "I don't know."

[Image via CBS News]