Affluenza teen Ethan Couch—who was previously detained in beautiful, sunny Puerto Vallarta before being sent off to juvie in Texas—got some bad news this morning. A Texas judge has ruled to move the 18-year-old’s case to adult court, meaning he could face actual jail time for his role in the drunk-driving accident that killed four people.

Couch was 16 when he was faced with drunk driving charges back in 2013 but ultimately used an “affluenza” defense to convince the judge to let him off for just being too damned rich. Since violating his probation and running off to Mexico, though, Couch might actually have to deal with the consequences of his actions.

From the The Houston Chronicle:

The Friday ruling means the 18-year-old Couch could face 120 days in jail, then finish his 10-year probation. But if he violates his probation during that time, he could get up to 10 years in prison for each of the four people killed in the accident.

The judge ordered that the case be transferred before Couch turns 19 in April. Couch remains in custody.

One-hundred twenty days in jail might not seem like much, but if history is any indication, the likelihood of ya boy Ethan Couch staying out of trouble for ten years is pretty slim.

Anyway, let him know if you’ve found his dog.

Contact the author at Image via AP.