Tonight, voters in Iowa, the birthplace of democracy, are participating in something called a “caucus,” which, according to the New York Times on Snapchat, has something to do with popcorn. We will be updating this post with Democratic results and bad tweets as they come.

8:55 pm – Hillary Clinton leads with 17 percent of precincts reporting.

9:07 pm – Hillary Clinton leads with 29 percent of precincts reporting

Don’t touch that dial.

9:16 pm – Bernie Sanders is gaining on Clinton with 41 percent of precincts reporting

10:00 pm – Despite creeping up to 0.6 percent, Martin O’Malley has suspended his campaign

The decision was first reported by BuzzFeed and confirmed by the Guardian.

10:06 pm – Sanders hits 49 percent with 77 percent reporting; Clinton at 50.3 percent

10:20 pm – Damn it’s close as hell

R.I.P. Lincoln Chafee.

10:35 pm – Clinton surrogates are declaring victory, but that seems presumptuous

10:45 pm – Clinton drops below 50 percent

11:20 pm – Clinton begins to pull away

11:40 pm – And then the gap narrows again

11:55 – Bernie Sanders is smiling for the first time in his life

Photo via AP Images. Contact the author of this post: