Your Guide to the Democratic Iowa Caucus Hell [Updating]

Tonight, voters in Iowa, the birthplace of democracy, are participating in something called a “caucus,” which, according to the New York Times on Snapchat, has something to do with popcorn. We will be updating this post with Democratic results and bad tweets as they come.
8:55 pm – Hillary Clinton leads with 17 percent of precincts reporting.

— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) February 2, 2016
9:07 pm – Hillary Clinton leads with 29 percent of precincts reporting

We're literally watching people count ballots on TV right now. What is my life.
— NickBaumann (@NickBaumann) February 2, 2016
Don’t touch that dial.
9:16 pm – Bernie Sanders is gaining on Clinton with 41 percent of precincts reporting

10:00 pm – Despite creeping up to 0.6 percent, Martin O’Malley has suspended his campaign
The decision was first reported by BuzzFeed and confirmed by the Guardian.

Martin omalley you got a children's book ass name. You sound like the mailman in a town where everyone's a bear
— Breakfast Haver (@weedguy420boner) January 17, 2016
10:06 pm – Sanders hits 49 percent with 77 percent reporting; Clinton at 50.3 percent
Shirt? Check. Belt buckle? Check. MUTHERFRIGGIN' BERN??? CHECK.
— Sam Sanders (@samsanders) February 2, 2016
10:20 pm – Damn it’s close as hell

remember when hillary clinton decapitated lincoln chafee 😞
— Greg Howard (@greghoward88) February 2, 2016
R.I.P. Lincoln Chafee.
10:35 pm – Clinton surrogates are declaring victory, but that seems presumptuous

Clinton camp claiming victory. They're up slightly now, but I'm seeing at least as many Sanders precincts still out as Clinton.
— Steve Kornacki (@SteveKornacki) February 2, 2016
10:45 pm – Clinton drops below 50 percent

11:20 pm – Clinton begins to pull away

Reporters with Sanders and Clinton report that each candidate is going to declare victory
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) February 2, 2016
11:40 pm – And then the gap narrows again

They don't look too happy. But sticker cheeks guy is enjoying himself
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) February 2, 2016
— Joshua A Fruhlinger (@fruhlinger) February 2, 2016
11:55 – Bernie Sanders is smiling for the first time in his life
Sanders calls it a "virtual tie" says "the results are still not known."
— Olivia Nuzzi (@Olivianuzzi) February 2, 2016
Sanders says "I wanna take his opportunity to congratulate secretary Clinton and her org. for waging a very vigorous campaign."
— Olivia Nuzzi (@Olivianuzzi) February 2, 2016
Bernie says to O'Malley: "it's never easy to lose" lol
— Olivia Nuzzi (@Olivianuzzi) February 2, 2016
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