Are you ever urinating and happen to think, you know, I'm damn good at this thing right here. Well, have we got the job listing for you.

Brokelyn points us towards a new App called ToiletFinder (it does exactly what you think it does) which is looking for paid copywriters who can start reviewing public bathrooms across New York City. Public bathrooms, increasingly scarce and reliably gnarly, are probably pretty fertile ground for lyrical reviews (and bacteria, horrible horrible bacteria).

"I built ToiletFinder in order to address a universal, legitimate human need, and am seeking a partner in crime that can share in my vision (NYC for now, but rapidly expanding)," ToiletFinder creator Michael Li writes in the Craigslist posting.

Aspiring toilet reviewers can submit their musings through the website, and if Li likes what he sees, he'll pay you for them. Of the lucky urinators, one will be chosen for the full time position.

So who out there has a bladder adventurous enough to drink that gallon of coffee and hurl themselves into the very bowels of New York City's disgusting public bathroom scene? Apply soon, because time is ticking, and you really, really, really, oh god please let this door not be locked, have to use the bathroom.
