· Weinstein and Katzenberg are on the outs, Sophie Dahl's credit card is declined, Bjork attends the Agent Provocateur opening in Soho, and Daily News staffers take a catty little swipe at Page Six. [NY Daily News]
· A freshly Botox-ed Axl Rose deludes himself into thinking that it's 1988, he's 50 pounds lighter, 50 times cooler, and it's okay to skip your own concerts, because you're a big rock star and everyone loves you. Clear Channel begs to differ. [Page Six]
· Kirsten Dunst parades out of downtown brunch spot, Bubby's, with boyfriend's best friend to screw with the gossip columnists. [Page Six]
· Kissinger overhead saying "of all of them, I like Kennedy the best." Not what you think. [Page Six]