A reader reports that the following is circulating on various NYC bulletin boards:

Hi Fellow [Craig's List-ers], Every single day, we all see attractive people that we would love to meet at a store, on the subway, on the bus, in a restaurant, at the gym, everywhere. Yet, most of the time, it can be very inappropriate or awkward to approach that person you are attracted to at that moment. Sometimes the person you are attracted to may show you that they are also interested, but, nothing can come of it because there is no chance to get to even talk to that other person at that moment in time.

What to do ? Post an ad on CL ???? There might be a much better way !

Here is my idea...

We need a very simple way to visually 'signal' to one another that we are attracted to/interested in the other person. The other person upon being 'signaled' could then either ignore the signal or the other person could signal back an 'I am interested' reply. If both people are interested and if the situation allows, a conversation could then start, but, if, as is often the case, it is not possible to start a conversation, then both people could post a note on Craigs List and get to know each other more that way.

One question is what should the signal be for "I am interested" ? This may evolve as a better signal is thought of, but, for right now, I would suggest this very simple signal. If you are interested in someone else, you would take either hand and brush it by your ear twice in a very unconscious kind of way. If the other person is interested, they would simply do the same. And, if it is really too difficult to initiate a conversation at that moment, as is often the case, then each person would look for one another on CL.

I think my idea is so simple, it not only could work, it could revolutionize the way people meet other people. The next time you see that cute guy sitting in front of you in the subway or the beautiful woman across the other end of the bar who is looking your way, you will have a simple way to let them know that you are attracted to them and to see if they are interested in you.

This is already working as I have posted this email on a couple of other community bulletin boards (if you want to help this cause, you can do the same !) You have read this and thousands of others will too. As time passes, I and others, will repost this idea here and on other web boards, so an ever greater number of people will learn about it also. The more people who know "the signal", the better. To help this idea really take off, so that everyone knows "the signal", we all need to simply tell our friends and ask them to mention it to others. If you have any ideas of how this idea could work better or constructive criticism, I would love to hear from you. Start passing the word and the next time you see an attractive man or woman looking your way and stroking their ear twice, you will know that you have been "signaled"!!!!

The Gawker summary (pick one):
A) If you happen to see anyone looking in your direction and "stroking his or her ear twice," run like hell.
B) Some guy is sitting in front of his computer laughing hysterically at the thought of the thousands of people he just prompted to stroke their ears on the 6 train.
C) Saying hello is very complicated and stressful. Giving total strangers mysterious hand signals is not. Apparently.
Missed connections [Craig's List]