Tina Brown, former editor of Talk, is reincarnated as host of a series of talk shows for CNBC. Which gives her something to write about in this week's column in the Times. She's been studying her rivals.
· Tim Russert "grills his guests with an amphibious glare and the pointed waving of a surgical pen."
· George Stephanopoulos? "Pretty boy George looks as if he is still doing a kind of spin."
· Tina's favorite is Larry King. She's fascinated by his on-air metabolism, "which combines iron-butt stamina with a toddler-like short attention span."
As for Tina herself, she wonders whether her style will transfer to television. "I got some of my best interviews as a magazine profile writer by being a furtive, watchful presence in a low-cut sweater." The low-cut sweater, at least, works.
America's new talk-show host [Times of London]