Puma was just about to become my new favorite brand, after supposedly doing this ad, which I thought was brilliant. [A friend recently suggested very seriously that I write a column for a laddie mag. Perhaps this sort of thing is why.] Unfortuately, they're fakeor so says their ad agency. UPDATE: Steve Hall of AdRants reports that the ads are real, and are running in Maxim magazine, Brazil. UPDATE to the UPDATE: a reader writes, "I've got it on the down-low that Maxim Brazil has not even launched yet (someone posted the same comment re "the ads are real" on my site early this morning). My source also indicated that there is a South American Edition of Maxim — not sure if that is what Adrants is referring to." UPDATE to the UPDATE to the UPDATE: Puma issues the following statement: "It has been brought to our attention that several unauthorized, sexually suggestive advertisements portraying the PUMA brand have been released over the Internet. We are appalled that images like these would be created and distributed under the PUMA name. As a brand, we seek to take a unique perspective toward our advertising in an effort to challenge the boundaries of our industry; however we would never consider using these tactics. We are in the process of researching the circumstances and reserve any legal steps available." [Adrants]
New Puma ads [MemeFirst]