
Either Sell Maxim or Die

Ravi Somaiya · 11/30/09 06:19AM

The man behind wants to buy Maxim for $40m and is convinced he can turn the ailing magazine around using the internets. If the owners don't sell, says Andrew Fox, they will DIE.

Maxim Layoffs

Hamilton Nolan · 10/23/09 01:43PM

A tipster tells us Maxim fired three people in the art and photo departments today.

Blender Magazine Folds

Hamilton Nolan · 03/26/09 10:58AM

Blender, the music magazine, is dead. Its owners folded it this morning, eliminating about 30 jobs in the process.

Chris Wilson Was Kidding About The Masturbating!

Ryan Tate · 10/15/08 06:26AM

Chris Wilson has had to do some major backtracking since writing, in a Page Six Magazine point/counterpoint article two weeks ago, that he saw a passenger on an American Airlines flight "either pleasuring himself to online porn, or whittling something under his blanket." The deputy Maxim editor was just joking people! Sort of like his magazine was joking when earlier this year it "reviewed" two albums which had not yet been released, allegedly via the magic of crafty editors. Anyway, Wilson was apparently invited on Oprah to talk about his traumatic airplane experience, and had to disabuse (ahem) one of the show's producers of the idea he had written something, you know, true. Now Wilson is setting the entire world straight, via his "old dear friend" at the Observer:

OK! Trying To Make Baby Pics Finally Pay

Ryan Tate · 09/03/08 06:19AM

Kent Brownridge, former deputy to magazine mogul Jann Wenner and recent overlord to Maxim and Blender, is now general manager of the U.S. edition of free-spending celebrity weekly OK!. It seems that between billionaire owner Richard Desmond supplying famous-baby-photo cash and editors Sarah Ivens and the creepy Rob Shuter keeping sources fluffed, OK! needed someone to, like, sell some ads or something. Brownridge apparently didn't compile a stellar track record doing that for Maxim and company, which earlier this month squeezed him from his job, but as Shuter knows, OK! is fast becoming a miraculous land of second media-industry chances. [Post]

'Maxim' Editors Suddenly Have 'Crush' On Sarah Jessica Parker, Their Former Pick For 'Unsexiest Broad Alive'

Molly Friedman · 07/18/08 04:40PM

Was Sarah Jessica Parker’s mole removal so effective in the sexiness department that the simple laser treatment managed to majorly tighten the trousers of all those T&A experts at Maxim? As we noted this week, SJP found herself caught up in a mystery-laden MoleGate, in which her immortal beauty mark suddenly disappeared. Some (guilty as charged) played the optimist by suggesting the once-highly noticeable imperfection had simply been disguised by some genius makeup artist — but just one day later, her rep confirmed that the SATC star did go under the laser simply because "she was in the mood."

"I'm not saying I'm depending on Maxim to keep me alive over there, but it helps."

Hamilton Nolan · 05/07/08 02:40PM

Soldiers are fighting back against a government attempt to take their men's magazines away! Stars and Stripes talked to a bunch of our military men at a base in Germany, and they voiced universal opposition to a proposed bill to ban "sexually explicit" magazines—including Playboy, Penthouse, Maxim, FHM, and the like—from Army bases. They're good for morale, the soldiers say. And besides (everybody together now), they read them for the articles!


Hamilton Nolan · 03/27/08 04:12PM

Respectable publication Maxim has a list of the ten sexiest vegetarians, with predictable picks like Joss Stone, Pamela Anderson, and Natalie Portman. Missing from the list: famous vegetarian George Bernard Shaw. Who could be sexier than George Bernard Shaw? [Maxim]