· "susan sarandon in the window of city bakery today @ 9:45am"
· "saturday, 19 april, 9.00pm: kim gordon and thurston moore of sonic youth plus moby at the opening of kim's new show at the participant inc. gallery, rivington and ludlow. (i'm sure there must've been some assorted strokes or the like around, too). kim looked stunning, her art looked pretty cool,
thurston looked really tall and unassuming, while moby looked kinda scruffy. afterward everyone decamped to the pink pony, where chloe sevigny happened to be languidly lounging and looking fantastic with two friends on the storefront banquette."
· From HINT Maga "smelly Moby sighting?": "Which world renowned superstar dj was literally funking up Joe's Pub last night with his crowd of friends. Many in the crowdwere hoping the "funny" smelly cigarettes they were smoking would mask theb.o., but alas.....apparently deoderant does not fit into the vegan lifestyle."
· "I just saw the ever secretive and reclusive steve guttenberg drinking Tab at lemon bar."

· "Chloe Sevigny - Saturday night - 10ish, Sandy Dalal - Saturday night - 10:30" [where?]
· "Helen Hunt crossing Madison Avenue at 88th Street [yesterday] looking tired from a workout. Maura Tierney at Mare Chiaro in Little Italy Friday quietly enjoying a drink."
· "So here in Edinburgh, Scotland, I spot J.K.Rowling of Harry Potter fame the other day. I knew she lived in my area, but didn't expect to see her walking down the street with her newborn. I was just waitin at the bus stop."
· "I just ate lunch at Angelika s Kitchen and Senator John Kerry was there. He had bread with spread and some steamed vegetables and tofu. Took a fig bar to go. That s my third Angelika s Kitchen celeb sighting in the last three months. I saw Casey Affleck there in February and Sam Rockwell in March."
· "I sat next to Mariel Hemingway on the uptown 1 train on Friday. She was with her daughter."
· "1:07 pm saw jonathon van gieson checking himself out in a starbuck's window."
· "I was hanging out near the Bowery—Nolita, as they say—late Saturday night and as I was coming out of that Rice Pudding Palace or whatever it's called with a big heeping bowl of Cinnamon/Vanilla slop ($4.50 for that shit, can you believe it??) and as I'm walking along eating, I bump into Kate Hudson—that chick from Almost Famous—and she's with some long-haired dude
who looks like he'd just come out of rehab or something. So, I get a little bit of pudding on her white shirt and she starts flipping out! I mean, flipping out! And this long-haired guy wants to like fight me or something because I spilled some pudding on her shirt. He pushes me and slaps the pudding out of my hand. I'm like "Dude, it's fucking pudding. Chill the fuck out!" and he gets all "Watch where your going, you fucking idiot!". And then I get a better look at the guy and it looks like that dude from the Counting Crows, the lead singer. He's such a fucking punk. So, then I'm telling my friend this and she tells me she's married to the guy. She's really pretty, so I don't know why she'd be with that loser.
I mean, I love Mr. Johnson too, but dude, that was like 10 years ago. And it's just fucking pudding. Christ."