Gossip roundup

· Oliver Stone's pro-Fidel Castro documentary has been bumped by the Tribeca Film Festival. [Page Six]
· Courtney Love in Rolling Stone: "I've never dated a guy with brown eyes, except for [Bush's] Gavin Rossdale,...I don't know if I've even fucked a dark-haired guy in my power yearssince 1989. Pre-1989, I pretty much fucked everybody. But it was because I had to get breakfast somehow." [Page Six]
· NBC's reality series about the opening of a Rocco di Spirito eatery, "The Restaurant," will air at the end of July. [Page Six]
· Restaurateur Jeffrey Chodorow co-owns what used to be the nightclub Chaos at 225 East Houston and is now the "Manhattan Gentleman's Club" strip joint. [NY Daily News]