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· Sunday afternoon, Paul Simon and Lorne Michaels walking together in Central Park, listening to the annoying 'Guitar Man from Central Park' peform Simon's own 'Homeward Bound.' A few moments later, Treat Williams came by on Rollerblades to listen to a few bars of 'Eat at Joe's.'"
· Electroclash band member spotted in Williamsburg!!! "Jd Samson of LeTigre, 11:40am, Grand St. L train stop..."
· "Robert Verdi of Full Frontal Fashion Monday afternoon on the downtown R train. I think he caught me sneaking looks at him in the window reflection, and must've thought I was a deranged stalker, though I only wanted to check out what he was wearing. And no, I didn't ask; 'where'd you get that?'"

· "Robert Abele, frequent contributing writer to Cosmo, Premiere, Maxim, and In Style, married Margy Rochlin, This American Life contributing editor and contributor to the NY Times, Gourmet, and a thousand other publications on Sunday. The reception was held at Los Angeles's Campanile restaurant, whose co-chef, Nancy Silverton, has been friends with Margy since they were 9 months old. Attending were a strange range of LA and NYC media, including Simpsons chief Matt Groening, Paul Reubens, comedienne Kathy Griffin, acting spouses Madeline Stowe and Brian Benben, Ruth Reichl, Sopranos executive producer Robin Green, the Advocate arts editor Alonso Duralde, and about a bajillion other journalist and writer types. A latin salsa band played, as guests dug into prime rib and chocolate mousse, though not all at once."
· "I saw the guy who plays Carrie Bradshaw's "gay husband" rocking all weekend long at New Orleans Jazz Fest...taking in Dr. John, Bob Dylan and Jon Cleary from the VIP sections of each stage. Wearing light blue shades and baseball hat. INTO the vibe!"
· "Lili Taylor on Monday at 5:30 pm walking down Waverly Place eating something suspiciously vegetarian out of a plastic container."
· "We were watching a movie at Film Forum last Sunday. There was loud snoring coming from the row behind us. We discreetly ignored it, until it just became too loud to ignore. We turned around to find Laurie Anderson jabbing Lou Reed in the ribs, saying 'Wake up, Lou! Wake up!' Lou came to, watched the movie for 10 minutes, and then began snoring loudly again. Laurie had to finally drag him out of the theater."
· "A friend who works at a trendy retail store in LA writes, "i waited on nicky hilton and she's a beeeatch."