As you're getting gussied up for tonight's Slate party — what? you're not going either? — relax into a few recent holiday party reports. From the Hearst office holiday party last Thursday:

On the subject of Holiday Parties, I must say that no one throws a better party than Hearst. Surrounded by the likes of Cathie Black, Leslie Jane Seymour, Atoosa Rubenstein, Amy Gross, Ellen Kunes and, of course, my favorite, other little people like myself. Cathie Black still allowed shrimp to be served at the Holiday Party this year. Thanks Cathie! [Ed. Note: WSJ, April 2003: "Ms. Black wanted to cut shrimp from the division's Christmas party but changed her mind after being counseled that the shrimp was a big favorite."] Open bar, food in abundance, and music —uh, Kelis' Milkshake— what more could you ask for? Somehow, someway, a soul train line was formed but, unfortunately, Cathie was not spotted break dancing down the line. Imagine this: Cathie Black, Amy Gross, and Leslie Jane Seymour all doing the running man... We can all have dreams. What a great sight that would have been. The best dressed award goes to Leslie Jane Seymour who was "workin' it" in a stylish dress number. Most lively magazine award goes to the staff that has no problem finding their spirit.

From Michael Stipe's holiday party:

While I was talking to a dental surgeon about children, I looked over to find that my wife had made an almost immediate new friend of Ethan Hawke to the point where I thought maybe they knew each other. They had a lengthy discussion and she returned concerned that he seemed down. She became very motherly and told him he was too skinny and needed to eat better - so she had invited him over the house for dinner. He told me that he was in Henry IV on Broadway which we had just bought tickets to. I was surprised to learn this, but in retrospect should have kept my surprise to myself. You re in that? I had no idea! is not what actors want to hear. He was very pleasant, regardless. The wife remains genuinely worried about him not eating well which I find very sweet, if not a little alarming.

Christmas Party, Cheesecake, Jelly Bean, Boom! [Banterist]