Paris Hilton brings some satisfaction to the W Hotel last night:

Last night, around 10:30pm, Paris Hilton rolled into Whiskey Blue with a bodyguard and a tall yale-jawed guy wearing a patchwork-puffy vest and a khaki cheesedick ball cap pulled tight against his brow. They headed straight for the back of the bar where the booths are, leaving a trail of turned heads behind them. The place was busy, and the mostly post-"holiday dinner with the firm crowd" murmured with delight when they caught sight of her; a couple cells lit up, and subtle cameraphone clicks were audible amongst the din. She's smaller in person than I expected, terribly attractive, and her hair is the blondest blonde thing I've ever seen. Probably deciding that those who need expense accounts are not for mingling, Paris et. al. departed as quickly as they'd arrived, trooping out, single file and got into a waiting car.

[Thanks, Brian!]