Just this morning, as I wedged myself into my dank East Village shower-hole, while in the airshaft outside an Eastern European woman screamed repeatedly for her cat — a cat named Basha, you might like to know — I thought to myself, 'Gee, I would appreciate knowing that there are people who are taking advantage of a good life.' Lo and behold, check today's lengthy profile of manchild about town, Fabian Basabe:

"I recently decided I wanted to be a TV personality," Mr. Basabe continued. But don t confuse that with a desire to act. "I don t think I m an actor, I would never put myself up there with Robert De Niro or Edward Norton, Jack Nicholson or anything." Rather, Mr. Basabe wants to be a "personality that can get attention, and that people enjoy being around or watching. I think a lot of people would appreciate knowing that there are people that are taking advantage of a good life," he said. "I m fun and I go everywhere and I do everything."

'It Kid' Takes New York [NYO]