The Sundance Film Festival is halfway over, and so far nothing has happened. Except:

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Of course, Paris Hilton is there, and hit the Seven Jeans House/Wildlife Works party/consciousness raising hoo-ha the other night — an attendee forwarded this picture. Paris, well-known animal lover, wrote a letter to the Canadian embassy to protest Canada's seal-clubbing. Reportedly, many frownie faces adorned her missive.

Current Hilton boytoy Nick Carter is there: Paris bought him a seal plush toy, which begs the question: are Paris and Nick plushies? [Link possibly not work-safe.]

Jason Calacanis is blogging from Sundance, but, snore. Apparently he hasn't yet run into a single celebrity — he's actually writing about the movies he's seeing. I'd like to fly over and club him like a baby seal.
Blogging Sundance [Weblogs Inc.]