A reader writes in after a night at Balthazar:

Despite the facts that a) we were there sipping caraffe house wine with our in-from-out-of town mother and b) the maitre d' was overheard in the men's room complaining that this was the slowest wednesday night he'd ever seen at the so-cold-its-apparently-hot-again boite, Balthazar still boasts scene enough to make the media whore in all of us cry uncle. Hardly were we recovered from the sight of a Drew-Fab liplock at the bar (Ms. Barrymore with wine glass in hand — hasn't she been in AA since, like, age 8? Anyone? Call her sponsor!), then we realize we were sitting just tables away from a media-powerhouse tete-a-tete between soon-to-be former New York Times culture czar (and perennial cutie!) Adam Moss and the so haggard-she-must-be-chic Lynn Hirschberg. Could Mr. Moss be trying to lure Lynnie away from her exclusive contract at the Times Mag to a new deal with his new New York? We can only imagine. And doesn't Lynn know everybody? Why didn't she invite Drew and Fabby to join her table? Or at least pop over and say a quick hello?