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We couldn't make it to fun-loving society photographer Patrick McMullan's annual St. Patrick's day party because we didn't care enough to leave the apartment — although we did hear a rumor that his contract with New York mag might have a looming expiration date. But a reader did trudge through the slush to attend, and offers this terrifying report:

"So, I'm at Patrick McMullans annual St Patrick's Day Party at Avalon last night. I sidle up to the bar and wait to order a drink from the bartender who turns out to be Xiomara from America's Next Top Model, who looks so much better in person. The dude next to me turns out to be Fabian Basabe who orders 7 Absolut cranberries which Xiomara begrudgingly supplies him. He looks at me and says 'Oh, I just know she's not giving ME attitude' in the queeniest way.

I did ask Xiomara who wins the Top Model gig (like I give a shit) and she wouldn't tell me, but she did tell me that it isn't who I think it would be (like she knows who I think it will be)."