Vittles Vamp, the anonymous online restaurant reviewer, hits Jean-George's Spice Market and is harassed by an overly-obsequious waitress:

She was never more than 3 feet away from the table. She hovered like a helicopter over South Central, as we tried to enjoy our meal.

Needless to say, enjoying our meal was a challenge considering her constant questions about whether or not we were pleased with the food. For a server to check-in once or twice over the course of the meal is fine. Eight to ten times is excessive in anyone's book.

At one point, Matt got up to go to the bathroom. She intercepted and insisted that she walk him there. As soon as he was whisked to the men's room door, she hightailed it back to gently refold his napkin. She gave me a beautific smile and before she left, basking in the glow of her own insanity, began to fondle Matt's chair.

Downhill Dining & the Slippery Slope of Service [VittlesVamp]