A correction, regarding this morning's discussion of the opening of Table 50, from a reader: "Table 50 is a slickly designed 'subterranean lounge' orchestrated by Robert McKinley (PM). Not a diner. The 'overpriced diner' would be Corner Shop, which is located above the lounge." Duly noted. I'll remember to correctly describe Tara Reid's favorite potential puking places in the future. Because I really, really, give two shits.

In other restaurant news, NYC Eats has a roundup of reviews of La Bottega, Oceo, OMS/B, and The Spotted Pig.

Last but wayyyyy not least, everyone's favorite NYT restaurant critic Amanda Hesser gets a big fat editor's note in the Corrections section of today's NYT. Evidently, when she gave Jean-Georges's Spice Market a rave three star review last week, it might have been good to note that Jean-Georges himself blurbed Ms. Hesser's bestselling book last year. Gee, ya think?
Review Roundup [NYC Eats]
Editor's Note [NYT]