To accompany the rumors we're hearing today that interim NYT restaurant critic Amanda Hesser is on her way out — of a job, not to another 1200-dollar meal — do enjoy this very real interview with Ms. Hesser herself. As with everything on Gawker today, I must remind you that this may or may not be, well... true.

But then — I'm not quite sure how that's so different from our usual hit or miss accuracy rate.

Q. What would you serve at the Last Supper?
A. Quails tongues marinated in a soupcon of lime-infused beetroot jus, fluttering onto a pillowy-soft chaise-longue of South Indonesian flaked tuna noodles, dusted with a pouff of Sichuan pepper and surmounted by a frisson of gently aerating mangetouts. Eaten with a "spoon."

Amanda Hesser, Young Manhattanite Interview [Gothamist, AKA Eurotrash]