Table 50 — which I'm told is the "subterranean downtown something-something blah blah hotspot" of choice for people who like such things — opened last night. Here's to the crashers who cough up this early report:

Table 50 opened to the public last nite. The space is located underground and I was told it used to house an S&M bar. The lighting is dim and the walkways between the bar and lounge area are denoted by curved chateau-esque doorways. The walls are of brick. The bar itself is built upon good old century tested New York City granite. Beams of spectral light cast the bricked walls in a skeletal manner - as if the walls were made of ribs instead of brick. It's an appealing look that lends the space a sexy and a "let's go in the corner to fuck/snort" demeanor.

Table 50 - An Early Review [KTB]