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A different version of the Josh Homme Avenue A barfight story, in which, shockingly enough, Ryan Adams is spotted at a bar in Alphabet City:

The Post says Homme will miss some gigs because he took those punches. But I was there, and that's a load of hooey. Some guy said something, apparently unpleasant, to a friend of Homme's girlfriend. There was some shoving, some yelling, and then Homme unloaded a punch for the ages. When he connected, it sounded like a side of ham being rocketlaunched into a brick building. Shortly after that, the punchee was escorted from the premises, the puncher went back to the bar, and an otherwise uneventful night of drinking resumed.

Ryan Adams was in the house, by the way. I don't know if he and Homme are friends, but it sure looked like Adams wished that were the case. Maybe that's why Homme was so cranky. Who wouldn't want to hit someone after being in close proximity to Ryan Adams for more than a few minutes?

Homme: kinda punchy [Werde]