A little moral tale from a reader, in which Kim Cattrall, George Pataki, and Courtney Love meet at the airport and the fabric of space-time begins to collapse.

Friday afternoon flying from Laguardia, loads of flights were delayed due to pesky midwestern weather. I'm drinking water to pass the time, which inevitably leads to an overflowing bladder. I go to the women's washroom, and a woman and a man are standing in the door, blocking my way in - she's telling him where to meet her. It's Courtney Love, looking mildly disheveled.

She realizes she's in my way, apologizes, and moves. When I'm finished I go to the mirror, brush my hair, pretend to put makeup on. She walks in, tottering on kitten heels, goes into a stall and starts making a lot of noise. I leave. Walking back up the hallway to my gate George Pataki walks out of the Admiral's Club, surrounded by guys in suits. People point. Bladder still overflowing a while later, I go back to the washroom. Courtney has finally left her stall, but continues to hang out in the doorway, blocking the way in. She's shed a shirt she'd been wearing over her wifebeater, and dropped her bag on the floor. It's open, and it looks like she's just robbed a magazine store. Apparently she's got a long flight. A woman in a wheelchair is trying to get in, Courtney realizes she's in the way, apologizes, and then asks if the woman needs help. The woman, looking scared, says no thanks. She's still standing in the doorway when I come out again. Maybe she's not allowed to go hang out in the VIP room? Then, after a delay my flight is finally boarding. The first class boarding has finished, and all the plebs are waiting to get on the plane. Kim Cattrall waltzes out of the Admiral's Club, jumps to the front of the line, and takes her seat in first class. This, of course, means that she's sitting there while every other person on the packed flight is boarding, leading to one young woman stopping to say hi. Kim bitchily throws her hands up and whines that she just wants to sleep. Two thoughts: 1) it's part of your job, which you get paid a lot for, to be nice to your fans. You wouldn't be paid so much/be famous without those fans, and 2) if you didn't want anyone to talk to you, wait until everyone else has boarded the flight to get on, eliminating the risk that someone might recognize you. She got sent to the immigration office when we landed in Toronto.