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Last night, we sent Team Party Crash — our cub reporter Briyah and our photographer Eliot from — to the Diesel U Music Awards party. Their task: an anthropological study of hipsters in their native environment. The news in short is that big hair is in, the 80s are over, and Paris Hilton fell to us from heaven, according to Heatherette designer Richie Rich. Their full report after the jump.

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Hooookay: once got into the party, obviously we went straight to the bar, where the drinks were all about Effen Vodka. (Who thought that was a good idea for a vodka name?) The only giveaways were a lame Diesel U rubber beer holder and free pictures from one of those booths were you make funny faces and get like 4 pictures.

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Norwegian hottie Carina Svensson was wearing all orange: fishnets, purse, shoes and T-shirt. It turns out she works for Diesel Jeans in Italy. She was the first of many Diesel folks who were more than happy to talk about their "initiative," as she called it. The show is to support new talent in many fields, including music. Something something.

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Richie Rich, the wacky blond designer of Heatherette, was at the show with his friends, mostly PR people. Your trusty reporter told him that she didn't get into his last show — you know the one Anna Nicole Smith was in which is now all over TV in those tacky Trim Spa ads? Yeah, that one.

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"This is urban chic meets underground cool," said Richie. "New York is growing up. There is so much flavor!" Other good news: Rich said that Paris Hilton, his onetime muse, is "still part of the family." His new muse, of course, is socialite Lydia Hearst, 20. "Muses are like angels, they just fall from the sky," he said. Right. That must be where Paris came from.

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As the night went on, people became more drunk. I waited on line for the bathroom (two stalls! Were they fucking kidding?) with Jaylaan Uewellyn, who works for RCN Music. She proclaimed that she is sick of the 80s style clothing. "Stop the madness! The 80's weren't that cool to begin with," she said. She raved about Italy and Valentino ("he's classic with a twist") for a while and then stumbled off.

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Trends: Big hair! A lot of vintage, lots of T-shirts paired with fancy heels, lots of tatoos. The best one I saw was of a gumball machine. There were also a few canes, which I don't get at all.

Jill Bradshaw, one of the owners of the new NoLiTa boutique "I Heart," was wearing a strange tweed shorts/jumpsuit. I'm sure it was very fashionable though. Plus, hello, she's tall and blonde. Speaking of which there were a lot of models there. None that were recognizable to me, but they were everywhere. I think it's their job to go to these events and try to hook up with a rock star or something.

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This stringer didn't see other celebs, but I heard that Leo Fitzpatrick, who played creepy Tully in "Kids" was there. The last thing I remember him being in was a small part in "Serendipity." Poor Leo. That movie blasted off Rosario Dawson and Chloe Sevigny's careers, but didn't do much for his.

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Mark Ronson was the DJ but I didn't get a chance to talk to him since it was so loud. We heard from a source at [REDACTED, NAME OF A MAGAZINE FOR YOUNG WOMEN] that Ronson and his fiance Rashida Jones have called it quits. In any event, yay, Fiery Furnaces, Prefuse 73, and Madlib were really kind of awesome.

[More pics up at Slower. Special thanks to infrangible.]