Claiming that there's "only so much drugs a 35-year-old man should take," NY Press editor Jeff Koyen would like to append some minor corrections to Friday's report on the cancellation of their annual Summer Guide Party. The party, by the way, is still cancelled. (And 35? Eh, I lie about my age too.)

I'd appreciate the opportunity to correct the Friday item concerning New York Press.

- The name is Christopher X Brodeur, and he's a contributor to our paper.
(see the May 12 issue). For several years, CXB has sent comics to the NYP
editors, mocking us with (I must admit) a fair amount of accuracy—at least
in terms of caricature. We publish them on occasion, but usually just tack
them up in the bathroom. He claims to be our conscience; we keep him around
as a beloved retarded child who scribbles real funny.

- Tony Millionaire is the artist who left for the Voice—after I cut his pay
back. I just don't think "Maakies" is that funny, so I chose instead to give
3 new comics a chance. We never rebutted him on P2—there was nothing to
rebut. He went to the Voice for the money. That's what aging artists
do—they join other aging artists seeking fiscal security.

- We did cut the summer guide party, but will hold our annual Best of
Manhattan party as usual. This is not without precedent, and I was one of
the most vocal proponents. These parties are fun, but there's only so much
drugs a 35-year-old man should take.

- It's Sports Express. New York Sports Express, actually, and it's a fine
newspaper produced by a fine editor, Spike Vrusho.

— Jeff Koyen
Editor in Chief
NY Press