As we left town on Friday, our minds far from the idiotic peccadilloes of socialites' clothing budgets, the Daily News was harping about the pissed off mother of 20-year-old fashionista Amanda Hearst. Amanda appears in a Harper's Bazaar article, penned by Kristina Stewart, which recounts the actual costs of clothing, accessories, and vacations that keep Amanda on the glam train. (And as we all know, heiresses don't pay retail, if they even pay at all.)

Amanda's mother was miffed about the piece and its obsession with pricetags — though it should be noted that Amanda's mother was in the room every time Amanda was interviewd. The real steamed party appears to be Christina Schott, the Elite agent who reps Amanda. Why this tempest in a teapot? We have no fucking clue. Nor, really, could we care.

Still, the nice thing about crap society magazines is that they identify who'll be first up against the wall when the revolution comes. Looking forward to it!
Did Bailey Bite The Hand That Feeds Her? [WWD]
Hearst mom raises Kane [NYDN]