Eisner Under Fire: Keeping Miramax Safe

According to Variety, Disney CEO Michael Eisner says he's just as likely to give up Disneyland as he is to part with Miramax. (It's become an issue since Eisner refused to let Miramax release Fahrenheit 9/11, in case you're just waking up from a coma). At an investment conference in New York, Eisner was asked if Disney would still own Miramax in five years.
"That's like asking me whether we will own Disneyland in five years," said Eisner, before his eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed. "Hold on a second. Are you trying to steal Disneyland? No one is taking Disneyland away from me. I've already ordered that a 50-foot, impenetrable concrete wall be erected around the crown jewel of the Magic Kingdom. Our costumed characters will rotate shifts between our delightful Character Breakfast and patrolling the top of the wall with shoulder-mounted missiles. You'll have to pry my little chunk of Anaheim from Goofy's cold, dead paws, you fucking Rooskies! Oh, yeah. Same thing with Miramax or whatever."