WSJ Joins Dolgen Potshotting

Even the Wall Street Journal is piling on "penny pinching" Jonathan Dolgen:
But ultimately, Mr. Dolgen may have burned too many bridges. While his strategy was something out of a Harvard Business School manual, his behavior was old-style Hollywood executive: He was well-known for yelling and terrorizing juniors with his quick temper. A heavy smoker, the 59-year-old executive would commonly sit in his arctically air-conditioned conference room barking instructions into a speaker phone. On the lot, his office was known as the "heart of darkness."
Eh, da kids in Hollywood these days is too soft! In Defamer's day, you took the cigar burns and the "I said no foam, ya stupid dipshit" scalding-coffees-in-the-face and you asked for more! How ya s'posed to learn how things around here work otherwise?