More from another satisfied neighbor of the Maritime hotel on Ninth Avenue:

The Maritime, and its subsidiary, the "hot" new club HIRO, should be eradicated from the face of this planet. And not just because of the cabbies who line up like sheep, block the street, and cause the other motorists to LEAN on their horns, usually from 1 to 4 am. And not just because of their trash truck, which makes its pickup like clockwork at 4 30 am. What really kills me is the fact that I suffer through this noise pollution and lose lots and lots of sleep just so that repugnant Hamptons-reject COCKSUCKERS and their pathetically underfed dates can pull up in their Porsche SUVS and go to HIRO to enjoy sake, braying in the street like the drunken, cretinous wastes of air that these motherfuckers are. Fuck the Maritime, fuck Hiro, fuck their clientele, and fuck, deep and up the ass with no lube, the eurotrash developers who've made all of this possible, sleeping soundly in their beds safely away. What I would give to go to their fucking neighborhood and make some noise. If there is any justice in this world, the folks in the projects across the street will begin mugging these fools FORTH-FUCKING-WITH.