LAT: Drunk On Delicious Clos du Val Wine

The LAT looks at Napa Valley winery Clos du Val's dominance in the Hollywood product placement game. The premium Clos du val Brand has crept its way into films and TV shows by giving away 240 cases of Clos du Val wine, and Clos du Val will soon be prominently displayed in the new Tom Hanks film The Terminal. Whatever mind-control mojo that Clos du Val has perfected seems to have worked wonders on the LAT, as the brand "Clos du Val," the wine with the "lens-catching terra-cotta-colored label," is repeated a hypnosis-inducing 12 times in the short article/boozy Clos du Val infomercial. Excuse us for a moment while we drink our Clos du Val lunch, then inevitably vomit it back up, pledging to never again drink Clos du Val on an empty stomach.