Moonves' Plans For World Enslavement Hit A Snag?

The New York Post claims that MTV founder/TRL superfan Tom Freston has the advantage in the race to succeed Sumner Redstone as CEO of Viacom. (Quick catch-up for those joining us late: President Mel Karmazin recently quit the Big V, and Redstone named Freston and CBS head/evil mastermind Les Moonves as co-presidents, setting up a King Lear-style succession quagmire. King Lear was a 1997 TV movie starring Ian Holm.) Did Freston beat Moonves to the Linens N' Things to buy the pillow that will decide when the superannuated Redstone is snuffed by suffocation steps down? That would be shame, as Les always struck us as a bare-hands-on-wrinkled-throat guy.