According to various reports, Calvin Klein's big "housewarming" party this weekend in the Hamptons was a total boy-mess kegger party gone wrong (or maybe right!). Chock-full of party-crashers and go-go boys without a cage to dance in, we salute Mr. Klein's party for putting tasteless where it belongs — smack in the middle of the Hamptons. One of our favorite spies reports.

the party calvin threw at his spookycastle/beach house on saturday was the most over the top bizarre. i mean, i am gay, but it was too gross to watch 200 young ("hired"?) half-naked men lounging around on pillows and bed-like furniture on the beach at night, with snickering old guard southampton socials staring in disbelief and laughing at them.

earlier in the day, at the beach club and on the tennis courts, the (conservative) socials were all wondering why the hell they were invited to this "housewarming," since none of them know or care about calvin. they were mocking the faux-fancy invites sent out a month ahead and and made to look "handwritten". they went out of curiousity, and man, their worst fears were rewarded! many jokes about how you can take the dungeon and grotto out of the house but not out of the boy. (wait—isnt calvin a grandfather now?)

there were even rumors that (ex studio 54) party planner robert isabel bulldozed the beach in preparation for the party. sick. the guest list was supposedly 200, then 400, try 800 of his "nearest and dearest." but crashers abounded and no one was even checking the guest list. the page sixers were there, trolling for items, and calvin was deeply conflicted, or confused, because we saw him ask patrick mcmullan to stop taking pictures... why invite him then? ps no body was wearing his clothes. yes, this was a $600,000 party that backfired.