Trade Round-Up: It's Not Technically Theft If You Pay For It

· Fox, apparently tiring of knocking down and stealing the lunch money of wee NBC-Universal head Jeff Zucker, turns its attention to pilfering British ideas. At least this time they're paying for Hell's Kitchen. Think The Restaurant with inedible food, bad teeth, and a third British stereotype of your own choosing. We recommend you go with "cops with no guns," that always cracks us up. [Variety, sub., req'd]
· Non-threatening action hero Tobey Maguire is getting a little too precocious for his spandex super-jammies and insists on expanding his entertainment empire. He'll be following in the footsteps of other established actor/producers and taking a producer credit for doing nothing in connection with the adaptation of the as yet unpublished novel Everything Changes. [THR]
· Execs at The WB promise to make sure the channel "doesn't look the same every hour you turn it on." We've sort of become attached to having hot, angst-ridden teenagers available 24-7 without having to get hassled by cops for hanging out near the high school. [THR]
· Showtime tries to win back a little breeder viewer share with original series Weeds, starring Mary Louise Parker. [THR]
· Sony says MGM deal is "complicated." "Complicated" is the culturally-sensitive way of saying that MGM isn't so happy with Sony's early attempts to pay for the studio in Hello Kitty swag and used schoolgirl underwear. [THR]