Just last week, when the NY Times declared the Meatpacking District to be over, we disagreed — we thought a night out on lower 9th Avenue was kind of fun and kicky and ridiculous. But last night, we changed our minds again. Third-rate Markt had a 45-minute wait at 10 p.m. — the only place with a table was Pop Burger, where the music was so loud you couldn't even hear yourself order. And of course, there's another problem with the trendy colonization of the 'hood, as a reader points out:

last night, saw a bunch of fucking shitty bankers "roughing it" at the hog pit. you fucking people have your spice market, you have your vento, you have your hotel gansevoort. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOG PIT! you have ruined the neighborhood, don't ruin my bar you suit covered bags of shite.

Eloquently put.