Trade Round-Up: Mission Truly Impossible For Joe Carnahan

· Ankled! Director Joe Carnahan tossed off Mission: Impossible 3 for "creative differences." He probably wanted to depart from the first two installments and insisted that the movie have a logical plot. [Variety. sub. req'd.]
· At Sunday's TCA's, world-domination candidate Les Moonves said he'll fight the FCC's titty fines—to the death! Our money is on Moonves. When he passes from the mortal plane, his teeth will remain to destroy his enemies. [THR]
· Lindsay Lohan and Nick Cannon to star in a romantic comedy for Revolution Studios. Lohan will play a wannabe fashionista with tremendous knockers trying to make it in an industry obsessed with small breasts; Cannon is the blind guy who loves her even though he can't see her chest. Guess that's where the heightened sense of touch comes in. [THR]
· X-Men's Bryan Singer signs on to direct Superman project for Warner Brothers, resigns himself to a career of exclusively directing comic book movies. [THR]
· Television still a white man's world. DGA releases annual study on diversity in television, which shows that while minority group hiring has remained level, the number of women hired this year has dropped. We recommend that female directors masquerade as men and wackily retake the airwaves. [THR]