Trade Round-Up: HBO Increases Entourage

· HBO's Entourage snagged a second season pick-up before the first episode even aired. Young Hollywood just can't stop blowing itself, and won't have to for another year! [THR]
· Fox Drama drama: Quan Phung to 20th TV Comedy, Peter Johnson to hang with McG, Ted Gold escapes from Spelling TV to take his place, Susan Levison upped to VP. We can't follow any of that either, and we passed out from boredom halfway through typing it. [THR]
· Heather Graham rolls into an 8 episode arc on Scrubs, playing a psychiatrist whose "personal life will be a train wreck." We love it when actors really stretch themselves. [THR]
· Let Bill Gates entertain you. Microsoft looks to monopolize technology in Hollywood with the appointment of former Universal Television & Networks chairman Blair Westlake. [Ed. note—Did his parents get his name from the Big Baby Book Of Gay Porno Names?] Blair's primary responsibility will be strong-arming the entertainment industry into one-sided "partnerships" with Microsoft. [Variety, sub. req'd.]