Trade Round-Up: DreamWorks Seeks Cash

· DreamWorks wants a cash injection, but after a search between Spielberg's sofa cushions failed to turn up enough capital, they've decided to sell public stock in their animation wing. If that doesn't work, look for the studio to slap a pair of stilettos on the diminutive-yet-surprisingly-sultry Jeffrey Katzenberg and "open up a new revenue stream" at a Hollywood fetish club. [THR]
· MTV Films picks up Usher to produce and star in a movie project. Our fingers are crossed that MTV will take the edgy route and properly utilize him in a big-screen recreation of a seminal R&B event called R. Kelly's Jailbait Water Sports. [THR]
· Viacom co-president/future destroyer of galaxies Les Moonves crows about UPN's coming profitability. He'll use the profits to fund a moon colony from which he'll launch an invasion of his octangenarian refugee army specially selected from CBS's chief demographic. [THR]
· Bad news for all the "little people": Entertainment industry jobs in decline due to piracy, runaway production, and potential labor disputes. The Los Angeles Economic Development Corp., who had given the Industry a B- rating in just February, downgraded it to a C+ in the most recent study. Fuck it, everyone just quit now and move to Manitoba. [Variety, sub. req'd.]