Krucoff's Data Dump: Hollywood Dollars By The Inch

In-house statistician Andrew Krucoff takes two of Hollywood's obsessions, box office dollars and the height of its stars, and translates them into a chart that even we can understand. Click on the above chart to see the full version, which includes separate breakdowns for Hollywood's all-time earners (per picture) and for some of Young Hollywood's up-and-comers. Mike Myers may be a mere 5' 8", but can swing his realtively meager inches with admirable box-office potency, while Leo translates his stature to money with the worst efficiency. Krucoff explains methodology:
What exactly do people mean when they say an actor is really "big"? A team of East Coast data dumpers and star humpers attempt to answer that question by analyzing a celebrity's average box office return and the variable by which Ty Webb measures himself against other golfers, height. For this study we looked at the top five (male) actors of all time based on average gross per picture as well as the top 5 "Young Hollywood" players with the criteria being "under 30" and "more or less the star of 5 movies," even though Orlando Bloom was more of an ensemble guy and now is a star. Whatever.
The picture-bars represent height in inches (left axis) and the trend line graphs each star's average gross per picture in $ millions (right axis). Mike Myers leads the pack with the help of the Austin Powers franchise. He's also the shortest on the list. This is big - and small - simultaneously. We think it demands a further analysis of the data to see how these guys actually stack up to each other and to dispel the "they're all short and Jewish" theory people have of most actors. To present this clearly we have erected a testament to Hollywood's financial power and physical screen prowess: the "Gross Inches Index." It's also just a ratio of money divided by height. The following table lists this incredibly useful bio-stat in
descending order:GROSS INCHES INDEX (Millions of Dollars Per-Picture, Per Inch of Height)
Mike Myers 1.82
Will Smith 1.39
Harrison Ford 1.35
Eddie Murphy 1.38
Tom Cruise 1.42Young Hollywood:
Orlando Bloom 2.78
Haley Joel Osment 1.31
Elijah Wood 1.24
Tobey Maguire 1.11
Leonardo DiCaprio 1.03
A special Defamer shout-out to graphics genius Chris Gage for his work on the chart's stunning visual presentation.