Trade Round-Up: Lucas Satiates Nerd Throng

· George Lucas tosses a piece of raw meat to the Comic Con's pack of salivating nerds, announcing the title of the last Star Wars installment: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. The overheated superfans then returned to their hotel rooms, regretting that they hadn't included easy-access panels in the crotches of their Boba Fett and Darth Vader costumes. [THR]
· Good thing Michael Eisner didn't want to release Fahrenheit 9/11 (which has passed the $100 million mark). He wouldn't want gigantic piles of cash blocking the path to his collection of anatomically-correct Mickey statues. [Variety, sub. req'd]
· Ben Affleck attached to Disney's Nowhere Men, an action adventure flick described as "Ocean's 11 meets Men In Black." Sounds like "poor career choice" meets "Malibu beach house payment."
· Jordana Brewster has signed on to play opposite James Franco in Disney's Annapolis. Since we're already knee deep in "X meets Y" jokes, let's call this "An Officer and a Gentleman meets "Are you still famous when you stop having sex with Mark Wahlberg?" [THR]
· New E! head Ted Harbert reveals his mind-bendingly intricate plans for the network's future success: "We need to get some hit shows." [THR]