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· More on the Ben Affleck DNC watch: Affleck comes out against "runaway production." He's so upset that American movies are being shot outside of our borders that he admits to taking less money to keep productions in California, but stops just short of pledging a messy suicide the next time he sees a Canadian pushing a dolly. "It's criminal...It makes me sick. I can't stand it..." [THR]
· Rebecca Romijn-Stamos to star as Ben Affleck's cheating wife in the "Hollywood lives are so much more interesting than yours, Joe Fucking Sixpack in Skokie" drama Man About Town. Political activist Affleck is a part-time actor when his Washington schedule allows. [THR]

· The love affair between smug, Mormon Jeopardy superchamp Ken Jennings and icy Canadian host Alex Trebek has been great for the ratings, but the numbers will really go through the roof whenever Jennings finally loses and the couple share a deep, heart-breaking goodbye kiss. [THR]
· Run-of-the-mill, Hollywood reality show a-holes come off worse than unleashed Amish teens in UPN's new reality show, Amish in the City. Still, the Amish kids will wind up waiting tables while their cellphone deprived, buggy-riding agents clomp around town trying to get them acting gigs. [Variety, sub, req'd.]