Finally the Whitney Museum Board of Trustees have lost their fight to keep their recent embezzlement scandal out of the press. Yesterday, the Manhattan D.A.'s office announced it arrested two employees of the Whitney who voided ticket sales and pocketed the cash — to the tune of almost $900K.
2 Whitney Museum Employees Arrested In Embezzlement Case [NYP]
A note on the scam from a former co-worker follows.

The Visitor Services Manager at the Whitney Museum (where I worked for a few years) and one of her supervisors, have gotten caught with their hands in the cookie jar... and it's an almost $1-million dollar cookie jar. Apparently the rumors began swirling after months of suspicious hours and behavior, a camera was installed in her office, which caught her parceling out cash into Whitney envelopes and being divided between her accomplice and herself. The police raided her brand new brownstone and found quite a surplus of cash-filled Whitney envelopes! How stupid is that? The detectives did the whole 'divide and conquer' move with the two who immediately fessed up and turned on each other. They have been sacked obviously — however, the Director wanted to press charges, but the meddlesome Board of Trustees wanted to drop all charges in order to keep it out of the press. I personally think that's BS with a capital B and am glad this person will be prosecuted. She stole close to ONE MILLION DOLLARS??? When hard working staff members can't even get a decent salary, the fact that the board wanted this person to get off free and easy is ridiculous!