

Sam Biddle · 06/06/16 12:13PM

NEW YORK - Wall Street is roundly rejecting news out of General Mills (GIS) indicating that it will roll out “Tiny Toast,” its first new cereal product in 15 years, later this month. The cereal bowl shockwave could have destabilizing effects throughout the global breakfast economy.

From Boom to Gloom? Doom Looms Soon

Hamilton Nolan · 10/15/15 03:25PM

In 2008, the global economy collapsed. But ever since bottoming out in 2009, we’ve been on a gangbusters recovery. Is it all going to come to an end soon? See for yourself.

Moral Hazard and Its Victims

Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/15 11:25AM

After all of the boisterous noise about rejecting austerity, Greece has finally agreed to the outlines of a bailout to address its debt crisis: more austerity. Its future is grim(mer). At times like this, it is useful to ask which side has the morality, and which has only the hazards.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/11/14 05:00PM

New rules proposed this week would require the world's biggest banks to hold more capital, in an effort to (begin trying to) put an end to the "Too Big to Fail" dynamic. If this doesn't work we can always smash them.

Wife Claims Investment Banker Drunkenly Pissed, Shit All Over Bedrooms

Jordan Sargent · 10/27/14 05:21PM

Marrying an investment banker is definitely a great thing. You get tons of money, for one, and you always get to see your husband. Also, he definitely isn't an insane and horrible human being who recklessly ravages his mind and body with drugs and alcohol to the point that he urinates and defecates all over your million-dollar homes.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/12/14 03:50PM

The volume of gray matter in one region of your brain predicts how much tolerance you have for financial risk. Our economy will always be ruined by big-headed people.

Everyone Knows Hedge Funds Are a Ripoff

Hamilton Nolan · 09/11/14 10:35AM

Hedge fund are organizations designed to take money from wealthy investors and—through sophisticated financial wizardry—use that money to enrich hedge fund managers. Shockingly, many professional investors believe hedge fund managers are overpaid.

Bubble Watch: The Bubble Backlash Bubble

Hamilton Nolan · 01/09/14 01:20PM

The Great Recession of five years ago scared many Americans. Now that the Wall Street economy is booming again, many have rushed to warn against irrational exuberance. The common media practice of always staying one step ahead of conventional wisdom is now producing an Anti-Bubble Bubble.