Friday Firings: Tom Jacobson Out At Paramount?

We hear that after months of chatter about his usefulness to flop-eriffic Paramount Pictures, co-president Tom Jacobson is getting the boot. (We smell a "Jacobson ankles Par" headline in Variety coming any minute now. We do so love those.) Paramount's remaining co-president Donald DeLine supposedly announced the reshuffling in a staff meeting today, and rumor has it that head of production Karen Rosenfelt may be getting bumped up. Jacobson may play out the string on his contract by producing a couple of dead-end projects. You know, what usually happens when an exec is put out to pasture.
These messy things go over so much more smoothly on Fridays. Jacobson can quietly slip off the lot and drown his sorrows in a margarita at Lucy's, and by Saturday afternoon it will all seem like a bad dream. Well, until he wakes up in the back of his Mercedes, grasping an empty tequila bottle and wearing a sombrero.