Trade Round-Up: Chappelle Breaks Comedy Central's Piggy Bank

· Comedy Central keeps Dave Chappelle on basic cable with a shitload of cash, a share in his DVD sales, and picture deals with the net's sister company, Paramount. It's a lot harder for absurdly well-coiffed Viacom co-pres Les Moonves to pull any of that CSI-style firing stuff when it's called Chappelle's Show. We will refrain from adapting any of Chappelle's Rick James catch phrases to humiliate Moonves, who can destroy any of us with just a thought. [THR]
· Don't fuck with Mike Ovitz: Former employee Cathy Schulman asks for $4 million in a wrongful termination lawsuit, ends up having to pay him $3.6 mil. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· HBO gives 10 episode order to Big Love, a drama from Tom Hanks's Playtone productions about a "Utah polygamist" (are they afraid to just call him a "Mormon"?) played by Bill Paxton. Starring as one of the wives: Chloe Sevigny, currently serving out her term as America's favorite billboard blowjobber. [THR]
· Claire Danes shoves aside UTA and signs with ICM. This also works if you replace the agency names with "Mary-Louise Parker," and "Billy Crudup." [THR]
· Anchorman's Steve Carrell set to play another semiretarded character in the Warner Brothers film version of sitcom classic Get Smart. [Variety,sub. req'd.]