Disney Shareholders Coming For Michael Ovitz's Golden Parachute

Erstwhile uber-agent/Disney president-for-a-day Michael Ovitz will probably have to face bloodthirsty shareholders, who filed court papers seeking the return of his $109 million golden parachute. They say he didn't deserve the money because he took the job knowing he wouldn't stay long and would cash out big (read: really fucking big). Ovitz was at Disney for just 18 months, so that severance package works out to about...by our calculations...$10 billion dollars a month? We may be carrying a zero incorrectly, but whatever. We just hope he hasn't spent all the money on the diamond waterfall in the grotto of the Barbie Dreamhouse he's building in Benedict Canyon or on the moglet's allowance. No one wants to see their child turned upside and shaken by a judge, but Ovitz would probably demand ten percent of whatever milk money falls out.