Trade Round-Up: All TV Friday

· In an effort to vacuum up the small amount of entertainment industry capital that she doesn't already control, power-mad gabber Oprah Winfrey resigns to do her talk show for another three years. [THR]
· HBO will air a Rosie O'Donnell documentary about a gay cruise she sponsored in July—perhaps the only place with worse haircuts than you'd find on the average hetero cruise line. You see, Rosie O'Donnell has a quite hilarious hair-style, and so must all the gay people on her cruise! [THR]
· Law & Order: SVU showrunner Neal Baer is close to a deal with NBC-Universal to keep showrunning his L&O fiefdom; he'll continue to oversee the firing of any cast members that ask for so much as a cup of coffee not mandated by their original contracts. [Variety. sub. req'd.]
· Columbia Tri-Star is nearly ready to unleash the Seinfeld DVDs on a public ill-equipped to resist their power. Jerry Seinfeld's cut will finally allow him to build that garage on the moon to house half his Porsche collection. [THR]