Trade Round-Up: Davis Won't Leave HBO

· HBO locks up Sex and the City refugee Kristin Davis to a seven-figure development deal. Was she the old, dowdy one, the old, nympho one, or the one who refused to show her tits? We can never keep those sassy gals straight. [THR]
· Ewan McGregor is in negotiations to star in The Island for DreamWorks . The sci-fi film, directed by Michael Bay, depicts McGregor as a "'harvested being' who makes a bid to escape the utopian facility where he is being kept," who is "tormented by a hack director who likes to blow shit up." [THR]
· Fox Broadcasting is in talks to cannibalize exec Chris Carlisle from FX to head its marketing department. His most important duty will be the brainstorming new and exciting Fox News Cafe tie-ins for their television shows. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Disney's Annapolis receives sweetheart deal to shoot in Philadelphia. We just hope that the deal didn't include "special considerations" for Michael Eisner performed by the Phillie Phanatic—we know what a sucker he is for the mascots. [Variety, sub. req'd.]