Lest we forget how cruel and unforgiving the Conde Nast cafeteria can be, a Nastie reminds us that they don't take dirty old cash (a currency for commoners, indeed) but they do give out free semi-condiments:

I just returned from the Conde cafe, where me and my underpaid ass attempted to buy an average-sized salad. Apparently I overdid it on the heavy items like tofu and brocolli because it came to $7.50! Gasp. I only had $6.57 on my card. I smiled at the cashier in hopes of being let by, but no luck. She made me THROW AWAY part of my salad. So there, in a $4M cafeteria, in a Frank Gehry designed trash can, 10 feet from Si Newhouse and his bag of money, is this poor magazine slave's only hopes for ingesting protein this week.

Oh wait, what's this, a free giveaway awaiting me around the corner?! No way, not... could it be... Dr. Pescatore's Mac Nut Olive Oil! For free! This staffer will eat today...yes she will. 14g of fat per tablespoon. Take that, emaciated Vogue-bots.