Lots of us have our own private blackout parties on Saturday nights — but tomorrow, on the anniversary of last summer's blackout, we get to over-drink in the dark together! Awesome. I kind of feel like all of New York will be joining me tomorrow in my own private drinking game.

The only downside to this weekend's blackout party extravaganza? It's kind of a victory for those annoying raw food people. God I hate them.

Some parties:

· Turn on Your Luddite: The Blackout 2004 at The Tank, 9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m., 432 W. 42nd Street, five bucks, featuring Bad Teenage Mustache doing a battery-powered set and free ice cream.

· According to MUG, "Palmiras, 41 Clark [Hicks] Bklyn Heights... is holding a First Annual Blackout Party on Saturday night. The Italian restaurant in the back of the Hotel St. George will be lit only by candles in honor of last year's power grid collapse."

· According to the Times, the Minnow in Park Slope, Deux Amis on the Lower Upper East Side, and a shitload of other restaurants are going heavy on the candles and the undercooked meat.

But, as always, the party will be on the street, man.